Sunday 10 June 2018

Cusses di wedding

Well welcome back again. Today I am going to give you people my take on the movie Veere di Wedding which I got a chance to watch last week with my lovely wife.

To begin with I was rather impressed with the beginning. The boldness with which the chicks were yelling out cuss words eg. r####i ka rona, b#######d was the high point ( well I definitely went on a high). But, I've got to point out one thing, nowadays bollywood movies are using cuss words extreme. It seems this is becoming the new trend of filmmakers (Mennu ki. Sab ka dictionary refresh ho jayega).

Well coming back to my review, the first part of the movie was rather smooth, but the second half was not that great. It was like tantalisingly longer than expected especially Kareena's wedding. At times I felt the focus of the movie was getting too haywire with so many multiple stories running concurrently, including the ahemm Swaraj Bhaskar good up ( o what a controversy?? wuh.....)

Anyways the movie is okies for a 1 time view. Well that's what I can make of it.

Well, that's it for today. See you in my next post.

Till then ta...ta...

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